c# - ASP.NET File Not Found for Custom Control -

i have deployed same website application 2 servers. on server a, application works perfect. on server b, below error message comes when attempting view page loads specific custom control.

error message: file '/website/controls/mycustomcontrol.ascx' not exist. stack trace: @ system.web.ui.util.checkvirtualfileexists(virtualpath virtualpath) @  system.web.compilation.buildmanager.getvpathbuildresultinternal(virtualpath virtualpath, boolean nobuild, boolean allowcrossapp, boolean allowbuildinprecompile) @  system.web.compilation.buildmanager.getvpathbuildresultwithnoassert(httpcontext context, virtualpath virtualpath, boolean nobuild, boolean allowcrossapp, boolean allowbuildinprecompile) @  system.web.compilation.buildmanager.getvpathbuildresult(httpcontext context, virtualpath virtualpath, boolean nobuild, boolean allowcrossapp, boolean allowbuildinprecompile) @ system.web.ui.templatecontrol.loadcontrol(virtualpath virtualpath) @  system.web.ui.templatecontrol.loadcontrol(string virtualpath) 

the 2 servers using same version, , service pack of microsoft server

i have verified compiled dlls control within bin directory of website, , bins of 2 website deployments identical. web configs of 2 deployments identical, other connection strings used. permissions on both websites have app pool, iusr, , account used hosting website have full control.

i have verified dlls referenced application should reside in gac installed gac on both servers.

this particular control loaded in same way other custom controls have been verified working on both deployments.


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