java - Creating a void method that reads a file, that can be called by other methods in the class? -
public class dash { public void readfile(string fil) throws filenotfoundexception { try { scanner input = new scanner(new file(fil)); string text =; input.close(); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { } } public int getnumdashes() throws filenotfoundexception { readfile(fil); string text =; // code find number of dashes string of read file. } }
as indicated in title, read file in 1 method. since cannot return string readfile
method, have obtain string within getnumdashes
method. however, i'm not sure how this. second method's return value based of off whatever file name passed readfile()
you use non-static field string, store text input file.
public class dash { string text; public void readfile(string fil) throws filenotfoundexception { try{ scanner input = new scanner (new file(fil)); text=; input.close(); } catch (filenotfoundexception e){ } public int getnumdashes() throws filenotfoundexception { readfile(fil); // can read field *text* here , process input // code find number of dashes string of read file. } }
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