Python to PHP on server send image -

i have raspberry pi running lamp stack, arduino , camera hooked up. end goal when arduino takes photo, writes image php address emailed.

right now, i'm trying image placed in right place.

here's php snippet:

<?php print_r($_files); move_uploaded_file($_files["file"]["tmp_name"], "/var/www/images/mypic.jpg"); ?> 

my python code doing:

import requests r = requests.get('') r2 ='', data = r.content) 

i realize image going overwritten. that's not problem. can add timestamp later etc etc.

however, gives me error code. i'm beginner @ php , use python scientific computing not sure if i'm passing picture correctly. know ip correct can connect , it's in network.

i have looked @ python script send image php still getting stuck.

edit: upon further debugging:


returns empty array. not sure why?

to have file accessible php in $_files, must use html-form style encoding of files (multipart/form-data). different standard post request including content in request body. method explained in - key here is:

php capable of receiving file uploads rfc-1867 compliant browser.

what's you're trying not sending rfc-1867 way, plain-old post request.

so have 2 options:

  1. send data python using multipart/form-data encoding. shouldn't hard requires work on python side.

  2. just grab data on php side not $_files directly reading post body, so:


$data = file_get_contents('php://input'); file_put_contents("/var/www/images/mypic.jpg", $data); 

it's more of memory hog on php side, , means need validation got data, quite simpler.

to clarify, in php $_post populated when content-type request header multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded (and of course data encoded in proper way).

if post request else in body, can read directly reading php://input stream, , you're responsible handling / decoding / validating it.


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