ios - Hidden status of WKInterfaceButton in WatchKit -

is there way check current hidden status of wkinterfacebutton in watchkit?

it looks cannot that. can store own variable state , use it.

below can check definition of button's parent class.

public class wkinterfaceobject : nsobject {      public func sethidden(hidden: bool)     public func setalpha(alpha: cgfloat)      @available(watchos 2.0, *)     public func sethorizontalalignment(horizontalalignment: wkinterfaceobjecthorizontalalignment)     @available(watchos 2.0, *)     public func setverticalalignment(verticalalignment: wkinterfaceobjectverticalalignment)      public func setwidth(width: cgfloat)     public func setheight(height: cgfloat)     @available(watchos 2.0, *)     public func setrelativewidth(width: cgfloat, withadjustment adjustment: cgfloat)     @available(watchos 2.0, *)     public func setrelativeheight(height: cgfloat, withadjustment adjustment: cgfloat)      @available(watchos 2.0, *)     public func sizetofitwidth()     @available(watchos 2.0, *)     public func sizetofitheight()      public var interfaceproperty: string { } // same controller's property name } 


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