php - Create tabular input widgets with yii for humhub -

hey stackoverflow community,

i want create task list form:

<?= $form->field($task, "[$i]title"); ?>  <?= $form->field($task, "[$i]assigneduserids")     ->widget(\humhub\modules\user\widgets\userpickerfield::class, [         'url' => $this->context->contentcontainer->createurl('/space/membership/search')     ]); ?> 

the title field works fine. userpicker results in following error:

yii\base\unknownpropertyexception: getting unknown property: humhub\modules\tasks\models\task::[0]assigneduserids in /var/www/html/humhub/protected/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/component.php:147 stack trace: #0 [...] 

if remove [$i] before "assigneduserids" works. have distinguish between tasks. without [$i] have multiple fields same name.

can me? :)


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