php - Inner join in datamapper codeigniter -

i have 2 table products , categories, want products category name.

product table(products)

id (auto_increment) | name(varchar) | category_id(int) | price(decimal)  | user_id(int) 

category table(categories)

 id(auto_increment) | name(varchar) 

required query : select * products p inner join categories c on (p.category_id = p.user_id = 1

model product.php

class product extends datamapper {  var $has_many = array('category');  var $validation = array(     'name' => array(         'label' => 'name',         'rules' => array('required', 'trim', 'alpha_dash', 'min_length' => 3),     ),     'category_id' => array(         'label' => 'category id',         'rules' => array('required', 'trim', 'alpha_dash'),     ),     'price' => array(         'label' => 'price',         'rules' => array('required', 'trim', 'alpha_dash'),     ),     'quantity' => array(         'label' => 'quantity',         'rules' => array('required', 'trim', 'alpha_dash'),     ), );  function get_product_from_userid($product_id){      $product_obj = new product($product_id);      $product_obj->category->get(); } } 

model category.php

class category extends datamapper {     var $table = 'categories';     var $has_many = array('product'); } 


class users extends ci_controller {  function users(){     parent::__construct();     $this->load->helper('url');     $this->load->helper('form');  } function index(){     $product_obj = new product();     $product_obj->user_id = 1;     $product_id = 1;     $product_obj->get_product_from_userid($product_id); }  } 

datamapper orm codeigniter not seem have ability inner join, , defaults left outer join.

therefore use activerecord inner join query.

$result_set = $this->db->join('categories', ' = products.category_id')->where('user_id = 1')->get('products')->result_array(); 

source: use datamapper orm in job.


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