sharepoint 2013 - AppFabric unable to create a DataCache (LMTRepopulationJob FAILS) -

well first of all, learning sharepoint 2013 , have been following few tutorials, far setup farm , seems working except service being logged event viewer every 5 minutes:

the execute method of job definition (id 1e573155-b7f6-441b-919b-53b2f05770f7) threw exception. more information included below.

unexpected exception in feedcacheservice.bulklmtupdate: unable create datacache. spdistributedcache down..

i found out job configured execute every 5 minutes

enter image description here

but regarding assumption spdistributedcache down, verified , running

enter image description here

enter image description here

as can see, running, checked host cache via sp powershell (get-cachehost , get-cacheclusterhealth) , still seems fine

enter image description here

yet when execute command get-cache getting default value, , have read there should listed cache types like:

distributedaccesscache_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx distributedbouncercache_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx distributedsearchcache_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx distributedservertoappserveraccesstokencache_xxxxxxx distributedviewstatecache_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

among others think should include datacache

enter image description here

until tried few workaround without success

restart-service appfabriccachingservice remove-spdistributedcacheserviceinstance add-spdistributedcacheserviceinstance restart-cachecluster 

even script seems work on many cases repair appfabric caching service

$spfarm = get-spfarm $cacheclustername = "spdistributedcachecluster_" + $ $cacheclustermanager = [microsoft.sharepoint.distributedcaching.utilities.spdistributedcacheclusterinfomanager]::local $cacheclusterinfo = $cacheclustermanager.getspdistributedcacheclusterinfo($cacheclustername); $instancename ="spdistributedcacheservice name=appfabriccachingservice" $serviceinstance = get-spserviceinstance | ? {($_.service.tostring()) -eq $instancename -and ($ -eq $env:computername} $serviceinstance.delete() add-spdistributedcacheserviceinstance $cacheclusterinfo.cachehostsinfocollection 

well if has suggestion, appreciate much, thank in advance!

this generic error message, meaning real issue isn't known (hence word "probably").

i believe key solving problem when not , in looking in uls log events have occurred before it. events of type "unexpected", not appear in events log , seen before generaic type of error.

in many cases might see "file not found". means noted file not in assembly cache. since distributed cache utilizes appfabric, outside of sharepoint, way sharepoint find it's file, in assembly cache. sharepoint pre installer should have put files there, might have failed or maybe uninstalled app fabric , re installed manually, have removed files assembly , not put them back.


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