java - Unexpected Type -

i'm new java. having problem block of code. attempting find minimum number of coins needed pay amount (in example 398 cents).

i'm getting error unexpected type. required: variable. found: value. after attempt subtract on lines 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 , 50. want subtract value. think have use method i'm unsure how. appreciated.

public class makingchange {      public static void main(string[] args) {         int = 398;         int b;         int c;         int d;         int e;         int f;         int g;         int h;         int j;         int k;         int i;         int l;         int m;         int n;         int o;          if (a > 0) {             if (a >= 200) {                 = (int) / 200;                 - * 200 = b;             } else {                 = b;             }              if (b >= 100) {                 j = (int) / 100;                 b - j * 100 = c;             } else {                 b = c;             }              if (c >= 25) {                 k = (int) c / 25;                 c - k * 25 = d;             } else {                 c = d;             }              if (d >= 100) {                 l = (int) d / 100;                 b - l * 100 = c;             } else {                 d = e;             }             if (e >= 10) {                 m = (int) e / 10;                 e - m * 10 = f;             } else {                 e = f;             }              if (f >= 5) {                 n = (int) f / 5;                 f - n * 5 = g;             } else {                 f = g;             }              if (g >= 1) {                 o = (int) g / 1;                 g - o = h;             } else {                 g = h;             }             system.out.println(i + j + k + l + m + n + o);         }     } } 

an assignment operation in java language involves following syntax:

variable = expression

it first evaluates expression on right side , assigns resulting value operand on left. going rule, lhs of assignment must strictly variable can reference primitive type, user defined type or array.

the blocks in code violate principle are:

 - * 200 = b;  b - j * 100 = c;  c - k * 25 = d;  b - l * 100 = c;  e - m * 10 = f;  f - n * 5 = g;  g - o = h; 


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