javascript - Highcharts addPoint function show nothing -

in first case apologize bad english i'm french :d

so tried show timed data on highchartsjs.

i try receive data using ajax , made function add point want.

but when try load see information on cursor no point shown ! :/

here success function on ajax request :

    success: function(resultat){                  function addpoint(){                      var chart = $('#graphresult').highcharts();                      for(i in resultat){                          chart.series[0].addpoint([date.utc(year, month, day, resultat[i]["time"].split(":")[0]), resultat[i]["value"]], true);                      }                     }                  $('#graphresult').highcharts({                         chart: {                             type: 'spline',                             events: {                                 load: addpoint                             }                         },                         title: {                             text: 'température du jour'                         },                         xaxis: {                             type: 'datetime',                             datetimelabelformats: { // don't display dummy year                                 minute: '%h:%m',                                 hour: '%h:%m',                             },                             title: {                                 text: 'heure'                             }                         },                         yaxis: {                             title: {                                 text: 'température (°c)'                             },                             min: 0                         },                         tooltip: {                             headerformat: '<b>{}</b><br>',                             pointformat: '{point.y:.2f} °c'                         },                          plotoptions: {                             spline: {                                 marker: {                                     enabled: true                                 }                             }                         },                          series: [{                             name: "température du " + string(day) + "/" + string(month) + "/" + string(year),                         }]                 });              } 

as can see, have information no point displayed :

as said in comments, problem in data returned server.

this json:


the "value" string, have parse float:

chart.series[0].addpoint(      [date.utc(year, month, day,       resultat[i]["time"].split(":")[0]),       parsefloat(resultat[i]["value"])], true ); 



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