Python check value of list matches to an items substring in the list -

i have python method check values match subtring of item in list.

def readvalues(bucket_name,key_name,region,param_value):  # status of bucket readprop = [] decrypted_data = []  exists_bucket = check_bucket_exist(bucket_name) exists_key = check_key_exist(bucket_name,key_name)  if exists_bucket == true , exists_key == true:     cipher_text_blob=read_artifact(bucket_name,key_name)     decrypted_data = (decrypt_data(cipher_text_blob,region).decode("utf-8")).split()      print (decrypted_data) param in param_value:     data in decrypted_data:         if param in data:         readprop.append('data')         return readprop     else:         print ("provided prameter not on file.") 

value being passed main function

param_value= [event['secretlist']] print (readvalues(bucket_name,key_name,region,param_value)) 

here secretlist event pasess value below json output

  "secretlist": ["githubtoken","githubuser"] 

contents on plain text file githubtoken=1234 githubuser=abc

if items in secret list matches list items on file should ouptut value of parameter

here if githubtoken exist on file pass "1234" output variable


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