bluetooth - iBeacon's customisable UUID conflicts -

if understanding correct, there large range of uuids assigned in specification - there's this.

since ibeacon's uuid can customised, wouldn't uuid conflict existing codes , create undesirable outcomes?

if understanding correct, service uuids @ byte 30 , 31 of ble packet, overlapped ibeacon's uuids. service uuids 2 bytes can't hard collision occur.

it important understand there 2 types of bluetooth advertisements:

  • service advertisements
  • manufacturer advertisements

advertisements must 1 type or other, not both.

only service advertisements use service uuids (either 16 bit or 128 bit). manufacturer advertisements not. manufacturer advertisements have 2 byte company code registered bluetooth sig. else in manufacturer advertisement arbitrary data.

beacon types altbeacon , ibeacon manufacturer advertisements, not contain service uuids. there therefore no possible overlap between proximityuuid , service uuid, different things.

other beacon types eddystone , gimbal use service advertisements may causing confusion.


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