vb.net - SSRS 2008 Report Dynamic Header works on local machine in BIDS but not from Report Server -

i have report consists of single column tablix single row grouped. inside row 3 sub reports. header of report supposed display 3 pieces of information unique data row grouped on header unique each.

i attempted populate data in header having hidden controls in body referenced in expressions of controls in header. method didn't work. switched different possible solution found populate variables using vb , reference them in header using =code.variablename in expression. function populate variables called hidden control in body passes data parameters.

this method worked. however, seems work on local machine , 1 of coworker's machines in bids preview. when report published report server, runs , seems fine, except header values don't populate.

one of variables integer , other 2 strings. integer value initialized 0 , in report report server shows initialized value of 0, strings still blank. makes me think function isn't being called or there might scope issue? or different i'm not familiar with. possibly configuration issue report server?

here report: screenshot of report designer

if can see tiny little control halfway down report on left side. tiny little box.. expression control is:

=code.getheaderdata(fields!sepid.value, fields!fullname.value, fields!level.value)

the function is:

    shared public dim sepidvar integer     shared public dim fullnamevar string     shared public dim levelvar string  public shared function getstudentheaderdata(     byval sepid integer,      byval fullname string,      byval level string)         sepidvar = sepid         fullnamevar = fullname         levelvar = level end function 

the 3 header controls have following expressions:

=code.fullnamevar =code.sepidvar =code.levelvar 

and here screenshots showing difference in how report looks when preview locally bids vs running on sql report server:

the working header when viewing preview in bids 2008 on local machine: (values distorted) enter image description here

and broken header when viewing report report server: enter image description here

i've spent multiple days scourging internet solution no avail. in troubleshooting why happening appreciated!

it seems report server doesn't run code before header created. obviously, seems work in bids.

can move headers down part of report can use fields?

if not, have tried using reportitems? see technet more info.


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