c# - Error CS0052 Inconsistent accessibility: field type 'FormDataEntryFilterType' is less accessible than field 'FormDataEntry.type' -

this question has answer here:

i not know problem not accept " public " in enum formdataentryfiltertype , want change outside if can me, lot

the code :

    enum formdataentryfiltertype {     integernumber,     decimalnumber,     string }  public partial class formdataentry : form {      public static string inputresult;     **public** formdataentryfiltertype type = formdataentryfiltertype.decimalnumber;       .     .     . 

your formdataentry.type field public, enum type private. enum defaults private because no access modifier has been specified.

to fix this, can make enum public:

public enum formdataentryfiltertype {     integernumber,     decimalnumber,     string } 


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