c# - Internal Server Error (500) Asp.Net Boilerplate Web API -

i have downloaded free asp.net boilerplate template angualr + asp.net core, have created new entity company , respected dto(s) it.

for accessing api, tried create dynamic controller creating icompanyappservice implementation companyappservice.

but it's showing internal server error (500) while accessing link "/api/services/app/company/getall".

swagger ui showing correct proper api url(s) user's. please try me on issue.

here link solution: https://github.com/rsoni20/aspnetboilerplate

and link logs.txt - https://github.com/rsoni20/aspnetboilerplate/blob/master/logs.txt

the problem class me.companies.companyappservice

it must have public parameter-less constructor, , had private one.


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