javascript - how to avoid an item in an array be repeated in another cluster? -

i have array or objects, approx 58000 unique strings (partname).

parts = [ { _id: 59a942a8c0b7467bf08711df, partname: '0' }, { _id: 59a94299c0b7467bf084a917, partname: '9129' }, { _id: 59a94299c0b7467bf084a918, partname: '9130' }, .., .. ] 

here code. i'm trying create clusters of similar strings.

the code this, partname connected cluster can appears again in cluster. want avoid this. 1 unique part name should connected 1 cluster.

here example get:

{     "9129": [       "9132",       "9190",       "9279"     ]   },   {     "9130": [       "9132",       "9180",       "9190",       "9430"     ] 

as can see strings 9132, 9190 repeated in following cluster. so question is: how remove strings 9132, 9190 , 9279 after have been connected cluster 9129?

function createcluster(arrayofparts) {   let clusterarray = [];   (var = 0; < 5; i++) {     let cluster = [];     y = 1;     console.log(arrayofparts[i]);     (var j = y; j < arrayofparts.length; j++) {       if (         fuzzball.token_sort_ratio(           arrayofparts[i].partname,           arrayofparts[j].partname         ) > "70"       ) {         if (           arrayofparts[i].partname.tolowercase() !==             arrayofparts[j].partname.tolowercase() &&           !cluster.includes(arrayofparts[j].partname)         ) {           cluster.push(arrayofparts[j].partname);         }       }     }     let obj = {};     obj[arrayofparts[i].partname] = cluster.sort();     clusterarray.push(obj);   }   console.log("clusterarray", json.stringify(clusterarray, null, 2));   console.log("clusterarray.length", clusterarray.length); } 

you define bank of used strings outside scope of loop, add them , check if have been added there before adding them again?

alternatively, if have finite (and potentially iterable) number of part names, hold them keys true/false value represent 'usable' switch when used.

solution (using "bank of used strings" outside scope of loop):

function createcluster(arrayofparts) {   let usedstrings = [];   let clusterarray = [];   (var = 0; < 5; i++) {     let cluster = [];     y = 1;     if (usedstrings.includes(arrayofparts[i].partname)) {       continue;     }     console.log(arrayofparts[i]);     (var j = y; j < arrayofparts.length; j++) {       if (         fuzzball.token_sort_ratio(           arrayofparts[i].partname,           arrayofparts[j].partname         ) > "70"       ) {         if (           arrayofparts[i].partname.tolowercase() !==             arrayofparts[j].partname.tolowercase() &&           !cluster.includes(arrayofparts[j].partname) &&           !usedstrings.includes(arrayofparts[j].partname)         ) {           cluster.push(arrayofparts[j].partname);           usedstrings.push(arrayofparts[j].partname);         }       }     }     let obj = {};     obj[arrayofparts[i].partname] = cluster.sort();     clusterarray.push(obj);   }   console.log("clusterarray", json.stringify(clusterarray, null, 2));   console.log("clusterarray.length", clusterarray.length); } 


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