c# - Error Cannot deserialize the current JSON array -
i have class
public class rootobject { public list<award> award { get; set; } } public class award { public string name { get; set; } public string year { get; set; } }
json award
"[{\"name\":\"student of month\",\"year\":\"2017-01-01\"}, {\"name\":\"national hero\",\"year\":\"2017-01-01\"}]"
i deserialize this
var awardlist = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<rootobject>(award) foreach (var item in awardlist.award) { profile.awards.add(item); }
cannot deserialize current json array (e.g. [1,2,3]) type. what's wrong in code?
based on provided json deserializing wrong type. provided json collection of awards @ root.
deserialize like...
var awardlist = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<award[]>(award); foreach (var item in awardlist) { profile.awards.add(item); }
the json have below match original code provided
{ "award": [ {"name":"student of month","year":"2017-01-01"}, {"name":"national hero","year":"2017-01-01"} ] }
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