javascript - change color of special characters in HTML -

i've unicode html page (saved in db), there anyway can programmatically change color of "." , ":" characters in text (please pay attention html content has inline css may contain "." or ":" characters, want change color of mentioned characters in real text.

what options? 1 way can finding these characters in text , put them in tag, can styled, other suggestion? (if i'm going use method, how can distinguish between html/css characters , real characters in text?) i'm using

try utilizing string.prototype.replace() regexp /\.|:/g , returning i element style attribute set specific color

var div = document.getelementsbytagname("div")[0];  div.innerhtml = div.innerhtml.replace(/\.|:/g, function(match) {    return "<i style=color:tomato;font-weight:bold>" + match + "</i>"  })
<head>    <meta charset="utf-8" />  </head>    <body>    <div>      i've unicode html page (saved in db), there anyway can programmatically change color of "." , ":" characters in text (please pay attention html content has inline css may contain "." or ":" characters, want      change color of mentioned characters in real text. options? 1 way can finding these characters in text , put them in tag, can styled, other suggestion? (if i'm going use method, how can distinguish      between html/css characters , real characters in text?) i'm using    </div>  </body>


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