javascript - highchart - irregular time series -

i trying plot irregular time series data onto high chart such example

var dataarray = [ {errordate: "2017-09-07", brand: "toyota", count: 3}, {errordate: "2017-09-02", brand: "ford", count: 258}, {errordate: "2017-09-03", brand: "ford", count: 239}, {errordate: "2017-09-04", brand: "ford", count: 197}, {errordate: "2017-09-05", brand: "ford", count: 187}, {errordate: "2017-09-06", brand: "ford", count: 418}, {errordate: "2017-09-07", brand: "ford", count: 344}, {errordate: "2017-09-03", brand: "mercedes", count: 43}, {errordate: "2017-09-04", brand: "mercedes", count: 220}, {errordate: "2017-09-03", brand: "chrysler", count: 3}, {errordate: "2017-09-04", brand: "chrysler", count: 3}, {errordate: "2017-09-06", brand: "chrysler", count: 6}, {errordate: "2017-09-07", brand: "chrysler", count: 1} ]; 

i have data in variable dataarray, , i've attempted build out series data based on each brand data coming in, challenge having need dynamically pass in 'errordate' along each data point in series plotted appropriately.

what best way accomplish this?


you should prepare data before passing highcharts. doc page should helpful:

here processed data:

var seriesarr = []; dataarray.foreach(function(point) {    var newpoint = [point.errordate, point.count],     seriesindex = seriesarr.findindex((series) => === point.brand);    if (seriesindex === -1) {     seriesarr.push({       name: point.brand,       data: [newpoint]     });    } else {     seriesarr[seriesindex].data.push(newpoint);   } }); 

then can use 1 of methods methods , properties dynamically modifying chart api section:

for example:

seriesarr.foreach(function(series) {     chart.addseries(series); }); 

full demo:


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