javascript - Uploading same file into text box after clearing it, is not working in Chrome -

i trying work example:

that code in part, can see code in jsfiddle:

var onfilereadfn = $parse(attrs.onreadfile); var reader = new filereader();  reader.onload = function() {      var filecontents = reader.result;      // invoke parsed function on scope     scope.$apply(function() {         onfilereadfn(scope, {             'contents' : filecontents         });     }); };  reader.readastext(element[0].files[0]); 

the following issue occurs in chrome browser, not in firefox:

if choose file, myfile.txt, appear in text box. however, if manually clear window selecting entire text , deleting it, , trying upload same file myfile.txt again, won't upload. why happening , how fix it? thanks.

you have 2 options, 1 use clear button user can manually it, option clear value of previous file when user clicks on input. here later:

element.bind('click', function() {   element.val(null); }); 

thanks blake plumb the idea! :)


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