How do I check if the value is defined for a key of an object in Parse Android? -
say have object parent
containing name
1 of keys. gotta task after checking if value tom
available under key name
. kind of checking username , password parse handles inbuilt code.
how check availability of value key in object in parse android?
any appreciated!
try buddy..
private void checkingkey(){ parsequery<parseobject> lookup = parsequery.getquery("parent"); lookup.whereequalto("name",key); lookup.findinbackground(new findcallback<parseobject>() { @override public void done(list<parseobject> list, parseexception e) { if(e==null && list.size()!=0){ //key found // toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(),list.get(0).get("name").tostring(),toast.length_long).show(); }else{ //error fetching key } } });
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