tsql - SQL conditional where, return all if condition not met -

i have similar question sql conditional where , conditional clause in sql server, except when condition not met, want return rows (as if there no clause).

one solution following. note <colletter> , <colvalue> string insertions, <colletter> 1 of cola, colb, colc, or null, , <colvalue> value can appear in 1 of columns (or null if <colletter> is).

select id, cola, colb, colc maintable t (   -- <colletter> not null, corresponding column name in maintable   (isnull(<colletter>, 0) <> 0 , t.<colletter> =  <colvalue>)   or   -- <colletter> null, want return rows   (isnull(<colletter>, 0) = 0 , t.id not null)   ) 

the issue checks id column nulls unnecessarily (there won't nulls) , large table. there better way this?

where case <colletter>      when '<nameofcola>' nameofcola      when '<nameofcolb>' nameofcolb      when '<nameofcolc>' nameofcolc      else isnull(<colvalue>, 0) end        = isnull(<colvalue>, 0)         


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