sqlite - Design a windows 10/8.1 tablet application that also runs offline -

i want design business application windows tablet. app's database should in sync cloud server.[azure/aws]. app should run without internet connection. data should synced server when connection in on. , sync should 2 way also.

till have come across solution using offline data azure mobile services

but want know

  • how data can save in sqlitelocalstore. same as sqlite supports.? [to precise can use store 5gb data locally lob app].
  • is there way sync few columns of table server?
  • can support few database transactions in client code?

is there better way solve above problem.

i can answer questions azure mobile services:

1) don't impose limits beyond sqlite, long device has capacity , sqlite supports it, fine.

2) want subset of columns on client? if so, should use dto map object fewer columns , use pass client. more information, see: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-use-existing-sql-database

3) mobile services not support transactions between client , server, need additional logic elsewhere control rollback or transaction isolation. alternatively, can group multiple objects using automapper , have client perform operations on these grouped (or "flattened") objects. sample of this, see https://github.com/paulbatum/fieldengineerlite/


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