How to add bootstrap toggle button in ajax after success? -

i want use bootstrap toggle button in ajax after success. there way. tried best implement not able completely.

<script> $(document).ready(function(){   $(".btn-primary").click(function(){     $(".collapse").collapse('toggle');   }); }); </script>  <script type="text/javascript">     $('.other_chart').live("click",function(){         //e.preventdefault();         var userid2= $(this).attr("id").split('_').pop();         $.ajax({         type: "post",         async: false,         url: "index.php",         data: "userid="+ userid2,         cache: false,         //beforesend: function(){$(".podar").show();},         success: function(html) {               //$("#loader_"+userid1).hide();               $("#wholeinf1_"+userid2).toggle();                   $("#wholeinf_"+userid2).empty().append(html);             }         });     }); </script>      <div id="wholeinf1_<?php echo $res['userid']; ?>" style="height:auto; width:auto; display:none;">       <div id="wholeinf_<?php echo $res['userid']; ?>" style="height:auto; width:auto;">       </div>     </div>  <div style="display:block;">  <button class="other_chart" id="chart_<?php echo $res['userid']; ?>" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">view chart</button> </div> 

you need add datatype: 'html' $ajax request.

and change $("#wholeinf1_"+userid2).toggle(); $("#wholeinf1_"+userid2).show();


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