ios9 - SKLightNode slows game when sprites have zRotation set -

i working on spritekit game project running @ 60 fps in ios 8.4

since ios 9, seeing performance drop 30fps on iphone 4s.

i have sprites (about 20-30 @ once in scene) have zrotation property set greater 0.0 (e.g. 120).

when add sklightnode , configure light sprites, performance drop. running apple's performance tools leeds me system libraries related skview rendering.

if set zrotation property of sprites 0.0, game runs @ 60 fps once again. gave uses rotation heavily, keeping @ 0.0 not option me.

any advice appreciated.

thanks, rado.

this seems 9.0.x related issue - check details or see below piece important:

i tested ios9.1 beta 2 , sklightnode performance normal *relief* 

btw. experienced fps drop rotation set 0 :)


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