angularjs - Angular: variable after $scope.? -

this question might seem bit strange. i'm trying create functions update database via angular , because i'm lazy function be


it select table (mysql) matching parameter , return it. didn't think issue untill noticed worked 1 table.

$scope.users = {};  var gettable = function(name) {      httpfactory.setname(name);       httpfactory.get(function(response) {          $scope./* name inserted in function here */ = response;      });  };  gettable("users"); 

i still had static name comment right now. have tried things doesn't work.

('$scope.' + name) 

is there way bind return value 'response' $scope. + 'name'?

just use javascript's bracket syntax access property variable name. since $scope object can use

httpfactory.get(function(response) {      $scope[name] = response;  }); 


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