PHP telegram bot reply_mark -

i'm programming bot on telegram , didn't make special keyboard via reply_mark can me? code this:


if copy&paste parameters bot , execute command works. that's because use text provide parts of url.[key]/sendmessage?chat_id=[id]&text=keytest&reply_markup={"keyboard":[["test"]]} 

what doing writing script executes command. far can tell you're using dot . concatenate strings. thing you're doing trying write json reply_markup directly url.

what problem is, 1 of following: you're not escaping " sign or not concatenating variables correctly.

so if keyboard , test variables need concatenate them correctly using dot:


but if want write test keyboard string need escape " string not end:


note: have no idea if correct way escape " in php. explain error. if need escape double quotes in php other way, how supposed be.


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