javascript - Using $routeParams or $location for History Links -

i working on questionbank , have nicely coded of elements, add browser history navigating questions.

so here basic setup on plunker:

currently page loads under /quiz $scope.currentq dynamically changed url search of


i have played around $routeparams alternative , $location can't seem work properly. can give me helping hand?

// code goes here  (function() {     'use strict';      var app = angular.module('questionbank', []);     //////////////     //directives//     //////////////     app.controller('questionbankcontroller', ['$scope', function($scope) {         $scope.currentq = 0;         $scope.guess = [];         $scope.sbachoices = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];         $scope.questions = questions;         $scope.prevq = function() {             if ($scope.currentq !== 0) {                 $scope.currentq--;             }         };         $scope.nextq = function() {             if ($scope.currentq < $scope.questions.length - 1) {                 $scope.currentq++;             }         };         $scope.submit = function(guess) {         };     }]);     var questions = [{     questionid: 1,     question: "what year it?",     choices: [         "2011",         "2012",         "2013",         "2014",         "2015"     ],     answer: "2015",     reason: "because not yet 2016!",     category: "test" }, {     questionid: 2,     question: "which medical school best?",     choices: [         "kings",         "imperial",         "st. george's",         "barts",         "ucl"     ],     answer: "ucl",     reason: "creators ucl, need more?",     category: "test2" }]; })(); 

here example navigation based on $location service (link code it's simplest way have navigation working based on event:

$scope.$on('$locationchangesuccess', function() {...}) 


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