How to get Magento Review, just average reviews no HTML -

i have been using

if ($product->getratingsummary()):     echo $this->getreviewssummaryhtml($product); endif; 

but returns html reviews. problem variable $this not accessible inside function. there way reviews value (not whole html) without using $this variable , giving product id?

if check getsummaryhtml method of mage_review_block_helper, idea how magento calculate review summary.

you can use below code current product object $_product set rating summary in product object.

mage::getmodel('review/review')->getentitysummary($_product, mage::app()->getstore()->getid()); 

after can fetch summary using below method:

echo $_product->getratingsummary()->getratingsummary(); echo $_product->getratingsummary()->getreviewscount(); 


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