android - Checking active password is sufficient with DevicePolicyManager is crashed -

caused java.lang.securityexception: permission denial: isuserrunning() pid=13462, uid=101010 requires android.permission.interact_across_users    @ android.os.parcel.readexception(    @ android.os.parcel.readexception(    @$stub$proxy.isactivepasswordsufficient(    @ 

public boolean ispasswordsufficient() { return mdpm.isactivepasswordsufficient(); }

above crash log , method caused this. crash log taken online crash reporting tool crashlytics. per official documentation here calling isactivepasswordsufficient() method can throw securityexception in 2 scenarios

  • if calling application not own active administrator uses uses_policy_limit_password
  • if user not unlocked.

and seems first scenario not happen have mdpm.isadminactive() check before calling method device admin have

<device-admin>     <uses-policies>         <limit-password/> 

in meta data. think 2nd scenario. question if user not unlocked means? , how reproduce issue(if possible. tried creating multiple user , switched between user account, tried screen lock enabled), , there way handle crash rather adding try catch block(if ok please tell me why)?. crash happened motorola nexus 6 android 7.0 far.

try add android:protectionlevel="signature" in manifest file

as below in manifest file:

<permission android:name="android.permission.interact_across_users_full" android:protectionlevel="signature"/> 

to know more permission-element


<permission android:description="string resource"             android:icon="drawable resource"             android:label="string resource"             android:name="string"             android:permissiongroup="string"             android:protectionlevel=["normal" | "dangerous" |                                      "signature" | "signatureorsystem"] /> 


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