sockets - Simulate a continuous client-server communication in ns3 -

i want simulate simple continuous client-server request-response behaviour; i.e. client sends packet server, server receives packet , responds client, client receives response packet , again sends out new packet server , on. have figured out send 1 round of communication (client->server->client) don't know how continue this. code achieve 1 round:

udpechoserverhelper echoserver (9);  applicationcontainer serverapps = echoserver.install (wifiapnode.get (nwifiap - 1)); serverapps.start (seconds (1.0)); serverapps.stop (seconds (10.0));  udpechoclienthelper echoclient (apdevicesinterfaces.getaddress (nwifiap - 1), 9); echoclient.setattribute ("maxpackets", uintegervalue (1)); echoclient.setattribute ("interval", timevalue (seconds (1.0))); echoclient.setattribute ("packetsize", uintegervalue (1024));  applicationcontainer clientapps;  clientapps = echoclient.install (wifistanodes.get (nwifista - 1)); clientapps.start (seconds (2.0)); clientapps.stop (seconds (10.0)); 

if set other int 1 in echoclient.setattribute ("maxpackets", uintegervalue (1));, able have many rounds problem start @ 1 second gap (due this: echoclient.setattribute ("interval", timevalue (seconds (1.0)));). want client starts sending out receives response server , not after waiting 1 second.

you need modify echoclient application , in particularly 'handleread' method respnsible reception of packets. prints 1 received. take @ udpechoserver application, handleread generating response.


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