c++ - Topcoder Div 2 algorithm -

hi trying solve topcoder problem incompletebst given here: http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=6713&rd=9999

my approach : first validate if input bst

1. number associated current node  2. keep dividing 2 until quotient appears in input list    quotient parent/ancestor of current node 3. check if current node left/right child of ancestor    isvalidchild() function this.    i) converts both of numbers binary representation   ii) 0 in binary rep indicates left child , 1 indicates right                    child   iii) @ point of difference in binary rep check if next              el 0 (left) or right(1)    iv) if left associated character should <= cur,else > cur 4) if bst getthevalues() 

the code given below

    class incompletebst {  public:      vector<int> binaryrep(unsigned long long num) {          cout<<"\nbinart rep start\n";          vector<int> vbinary;         while(num > 0) {             vbinary.insert(vbinary.begin(),num%2);             num/=2;         }         //vbinary.insert(vbinary.begin(),num);         cout<<"\nbinary rep end\n";         return vbinary;     }       bool isvalidchild(unordered_map<unsigned long long ,char>& map, unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>::iterator childitr,unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>::iterator parentitr) {          cout<<"\nisvalidchild start\n";          if(childitr == map.end())           cout<<"\nchild itr null\n";          if(parentitr == map.end())             cout <<"\nparent itr null\n";          vector<int> vchild = binaryrep(childitr->first);         vector<int> vparent = binaryrep(parentitr->first);           int i;         for(i =0;i<vparent.size();i++) {             if(vchild[i] != vparent[i])                 break;         }          if(vchild[i] == 1 && childitr->second > parentitr->second) {             cout <<"\nisvalidchild if end \n";             return true;         }         else if(vchild[i] == 0 && childitr->second < parentitr->second) {             cout <<"\nisvalidchild else if end\n";             return true;         }         else {             cout<<"\nisvalidchild else end\n";             return false;         }      }      bool isbst(unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>& map) {         cout<<"\nisbst start";          unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>::iterator it;         for(it = map.begin(); != map.end(); it++) {           if(it->first != 1 && it->second != '?') {             unsigned long long num = it->first;             unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>::iterator resultitr;             cout<<"\nfinding parent itr for"<<num<<endl;             while(num > 1) {                 num /= 2;                 resultitr = map.find(num);                  if(resultitr != map.end()) {                    if(resultitr->second == '?')                     continue;                    else                     break;                 }             }              if (it->second != '?' && resultitr->second != '?' && !isvalidchild(map,it,resultitr)) {                 cout<<"\nisbst end if\n";                 return false;             }          }          }          cout<< "\nisbst end\n";          return true;     }      string getvalues(unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>& map,unsigned long long missingnum) {          cout<<"\ngetvaluesstart\n";          unsigned long long tmp = missingnum;         unordered_map<unsigned long long,char>::iterator it;         while(tmp>1) {             tmp/=2;             = map.find(tmp);             if(it != map.end())                 break;         }          vector<int> vchild = binaryrep(missingnum);         vector<int> vparent = binaryrep(it->first);          int i;         for( =0;i<vparent.size();i++) {             if(vchild[i] != vparent[i])                 break;         }          string strresult="";         if(vchild[i] == 1) {             for(char ch = it->second+1;ch<='z';ch++)                 strresult += ch;         }else {             for(char ch = 'a'; ch<=it->second;ch++)                 strresult += ch;         }         cout<<"\ngetvaluesend\n";         return strresult;       }      string missingvalues(vector<string> tree) {          cout<< "\n missing values start \n";         unordered_map<unsigned long long,char> map;          int sz = tree.size();          unsigned long long missingnum = 0;         for(int i=0; i<sz; i++) {              vector<string> vtokens;             split(tree[i],' ',vtokens);             unsigned long long num = stoull(vtokens[1]);             map.insert(make_pair(num,vtokens[0][0]));             if(vtokens[0] == "?")                  missingnum = num;         }          if( !isbst(map)) {             return "";         }          return getvalues(map,missingnum);      }      void split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems) {     std::stringstream ss(s);     std::string item;     while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {         elems.push_back(item);     }  }   }; 

this approach giving me wrong answer. can please me fix this


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