Convert all JSON values to string in java -

i've got large number of json documents. i'm writing program in java. need convert values in json documents string. in following example:

 {"product":{     "name":"flipper",     "industry":"real estate",     "description":"discovers correlations , trending criteria.",     "somearray": ["bla1", "bla2", "bla3"],     "productspecs":{"spec1":"somespec1",                       "spec2":"someotherspec2"},     "arrayofobjects":[{"test1": "a1", "test2":"a2"},                         {"mooi1": "b1", "mooi2":"b2"}] }, "name":"harry", "aninteger": 2, "adouble": 3.2, "anotherarray":["la1", "la2"]}` 

aninteger , adouble should converted. however, have large variety of json files i'm looking sort of function can conveniently convert values string. i'm using jackson handle json documents in java.


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