add radio buttons and lables to d3.js -

i trying add radio buttons area axis , shapes this:

var trianglefunctions = ['perpendicular bisector', 'median', 'altitude'],     selected = 0;  var form = svg.append('form');  var labelenter = form.selectall('span')                      .data(trianglefunctions)                      .enter().append('span');  labelenter.append('input').attr({   type: 'radio',   class: 'shape',   name: 'mode',   value: function(d, i) {return i;} });  labelenter.append("label").text(function(d) {return d;}); 

you can see jsbin of code here.

the labels , inputs not appearing.

you can use foreignobject (but aware not work in ie):

var form = svg.append("foreignobject").attr("width", "400")     .attr("height", "50").append("xhtml:body").append('form'); 

note body tag required, , has contain xhtml: part.



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