mysql - jhipster and ZonedDateTime -

when persist zoneddatetime, zone information discharged.

    zoneddatetime ="america/santo_domingo"));     zoneddatetime firstmomentinmonth = now.withdayofmonth(1).truncatedto(chronounit.days);     zoneddatetime lastmomentinmonth = now.withdayofmonth(now.tolocaldate().lengthofmonth()).truncatedto(chronounit.days).with(localtime.of(23, 59, 59, 999999999));      log.debug("firstmomentinmonth =  {}", firstmomentinmonth);     log.debug("lastmomentinmonth = {}", lastmomentinmonth);     ledger = new ledger();     ledger.setstartdate(firstmomentinmonth);     ledger.setenddate(lastmomentinmonth);     return; 

the output log:

  firstmomentinmonth =  2017-09-01t00:00-04:00[america/santo_domingo]   lastmomentinmonth = 2017-09-30t23:59:59.999999999-04:00[america/santo_domingo] 

and in mysql workbemnch :

 '6', '2017-09-01 00:00:00', '2017-09-30 23:59:59', 'open', null, '1', '3' 

, in workbench can see zone information discharged. found out when app went production on heroku, server in timezone users. finders come wrong results.

here ledger.json:

"fields": [     {         "fieldname": "startdate",         "fieldtype": "zoneddatetime"     },     {         "fieldname": "enddate",         "fieldtype": "zoneddatetime"     }, 

am doing wrong ?


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