c - How to link libtool convenience libraries? -

i using 3 libtool convenience libraries build binary several convenience libraries. let's convenience libs src/foo/libfoo.la , src/bar/libbar.la (just 2 now) , put in src/program.

these 2 binaries have shared objects belongs either of them, have undefined references objects of each others if tries make shared or static lib using them. though can tell gcc these 2 not real static libraries, bunch of object files. can link them successfully:

gcc program.o -o program \ -wl,--start-group foo/libfoo.a bar/libbar.a -wl,--end-group 

though using libtool have no control on linkage , can't add -wl,--start-group , -wl,--end-groupflags. tried several hacks in makefile.am:

ldadd = \     -wl,--start-group foo/libfoo.la bar/libbar.la -wl,--end-group \     -lpthread 

but it's (obviously) not working. so... how can tell libtool link object file collections (not static libraries) together, final binary?


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