c# - How to solve InvalidDeploymentException: Application identity is not set? -

in form1 @ top declare variables have line:

private string archivelogfiledirectory = path.getdirectoryname(application.localuserappdatapath) + "\\archive log file"; 

in localuserappdatapath see:


i have directory it's empty , why going directory @ ?

this exception message:

system.deployment.application.invaliddeploymentexception occurred   _hresult=-2146233087   _message=application identity not set.   hresult=-2146233087   istransient=false   message=application identity not set.   source=system.deployment   stacktrace:        @ system.deployment.application.applicationdeployment.get_currentdeployment()   innerexception:  

i disabled exception:

open exceptions window debug menu. expand "common language runtime exceptions" -> "system.deployment.application". uncheck box next "system.deployment.application.invaliddeploymentexception".


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