Netty UDP receiver fails on Android but not on desktop -

i have netty implementation class works fine on desktop fails on android. i'm confused. netty android studio 2.3.3 on os x 10.11.6 on samsung galaxy s5 phone. build.gradle file included @ bottom of post.

this class uses netty works on desktop (receives both direct , broadcast udp packets interface) not on android (receives no udp packets sent either full ip or broadcast address):

import org.slf4j.logger; import org.slf4j.loggerfactory;  import java.util.concurrent.callable;  import io.netty.bootstrap.bootstrap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;  public class udpreceiver implements callable<integer> {     private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(udpreceiver.class);      public final int dp_incoming_port = 6969;      public class udpupstreamhandler extends simplechannelinboundhandler<datagrampacket> {         public udpupstreamhandler() {             super();    "instantiated upstreamhandler");         }          @override         protected void channelread0(channelhandlercontext ctx, datagrampacket msg) throws exception {   "got packet");         }     }      @override     public integer call() throws exception {"setting udp broadcast receiver");          eventloopgroup group = new nioeventloopgroup();         try {             bootstrap b = new bootstrap();                        .channel(niodatagramchannel.class)                     .option(channeloption.so_broadcast, true)                     .handler(new udpupstreamhandler());              channel channel = b.bind(dp_incoming_port).sync().channel();             channel.closefuture().await();         } {   "gracefully shutting down udp broadcast receiver");             group.shutdowngracefully();         }"shutting down udp broadcast receiver");          return null;     }  } 

this class (which doesn't use netty) works , receives packets on both desktop , android, it's not android setup (literally recomment 2 lines in application source code).

import android.util.log;  import org.slf4j.logger; import org.slf4j.loggerfactory;  import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.callable;   public class udpbroadcastreceiver implements callable<integer> {     private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(udpreceiver.class);      public final int dp_incoming_port = 6969;     public final long interval_millis = 10000;      volatile boolean ffabort = false;      long llpacketcount = 0;     long lltimeoutcount = 0;      public void shutdowngracefully() {         ffabort = true;     }      @override     public integer call() throws exception {          datagramsocket socket;         long llmarkmillis;         long llcurrentmillis;          byte[] recvbuf = new byte[15000];          socket = new datagramsocket(dp_incoming_port);         socket.setbroadcast(true);         socket.setsotimeout(1000);          datagrampacket packet = new datagrampacket(recvbuf, recvbuf.length);"entering udp broadcast receiver");         llmarkmillis = system.currenttimemillis();          while(!ffabort) {             llcurrentmillis = system.currenttimemillis();             if (llcurrentmillis < llmarkmillis || (llcurrentmillis > llmarkmillis+interval_millis)) {       "got udp packets: "+llpacketcount+":"+lltimeoutcount);                 llmarkmillis = llcurrentmillis;             }              try {                 socket.receive(packet);                 llpacketcount += 1;             } catch (sockettimeoutexception ee) {                 lltimeoutcount += 1;             }          }          log.v("tag", "ending udp receive thread");          socket.close();         return null;     }  } 

possible android oddity--i see these lines in logcat, doesn't crash program:

09-10 16:06:29.697 1809-2060/org.allcaps.decodejni i/art: rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.class<io.netty.util.internal.longaddercounter> 09-10 16:06:29.697 1809-2060/org.allcaps.decodejni i/art: rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.class<io.netty.util.internal.longaddercounter> 

any appreciated. thanks.

build.gradle file attached seems cause many problems:

apply plugin: ''  android {     sourcecompatibility = 1.7     targetcompatibility = 1.7      compilesdkversion 26     buildtoolsversion "26.0.0"     defaultconfig {         applicationid "org.allcaps.decodejni"         minsdkversion 23         targetsdkversion 26         versioncode 1         versionname "1.0"         testinstrumentationrunner ""         externalnativebuild {             cmake {                 cppflags "-std=c++11 -werror"             }         }         ndk {             abifilters 'armeabi-v7a'         }      }      buildtypes {         release {             minifyenabled false             proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''         }     }     lintoptions {         abortonerror false  // prevent broken linter sfouling things ...     }  //    sourcesets { //        main { //            // make gradle pack shared libraries finto apk //            jnilibs.srcdirs = ['../distribution/gperf/lib'] //        } //    }     externalnativebuild {         cmake {             path "cmakelists.txt"         }     } }  dependencies {     compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     androidtestcompile('', {         exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'     })      compile ''     compile ''     compile ''      compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25'     compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.25'      compile ''      //compile group: 'io.netty', name: 'netty-all', version: ''     //compile group: 'io.netty', name: 'netty-handler', version: ''      testcompile 'junit:junit:4.12' } 


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