vega - How to enlarge/resize topojson map file with Vincent -

i trying use vincent create state zip code maps. i'm using state files posted on github @jlev. however, when try display them in ipython notebook or when render same vega object on html page, map shows small lot of white space around it. using equirectangular projection. when try increase scale in ipython notebook, map gets larger, whitespace surrounding map gets exponentially larger. can import them , fine, don't think there issues topo.json files. looking guidance on resizing these in vincent. luck i've had changing scale on topo.json file itself, can increase these before map gets distorted lot of lines.

here python code:

zip_topo = r'topo_files/maryland.topo.json' geo_data = [{'name': 'maryland',          'url': zip_topo,          'feature': 'maryland.geo'}]  vis =,scale=8000,projection='equirectangular') vis.display() 


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