associations - Rails - counting instances where boolean is true -

i trying make app rails 4.

i have project model , project invitations model.

projects has many project invitations project invitations belong projects 

in project show, im trying count how many invitations have been sent , how many have been accepted.

the first part works fine. acceptances, have attribute in project_invitation table called :student_accepted. if true, want count record.

<%= @project.project_invitations.size %>             <% if @project.project_invitations.student_accepted == true %>                 <%= @project.project_invitations.size %>                 <% else %>                 'no'             <% end %> 

it gives error:

undefined method `student_accepted' #<activerecord::associations::collectionproxy []> 

i have tried:

<% if project.project_invitations.student_accepted == true %>  <%= project.project_invitations.size %> 

it gives error:

undefined local variable or method `project' #<#<class:0x007fc01d9dcbe8>:0x007fc01de04248> 

im struggling understand how reference attributes though associated models. have read several books assume background knowledge. i've had helpful input on related questions (below), still not grasping concept. 

can see i've done wrong?

you can find number of invitations students have accepted with:

@project.project_invitations.where(student_accepted: true).count 

rails's active record query interface guide explains how works.

the reason received undefined method 'student_accepted' #<activerecord::associations::collectionproxy []> error because calling student_accepted on activerecord::associations::collectionproxy, object rails creates define collection of records.

if wanted iterate on collection do:

<% @project.project_invitations.each |invitation| %>   # here can call `invitation.student_accepted` <% end %> 

this necessary because project has many invitations.


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