string - Ruby method that uppercases even indexed letters and lowercases odd -


write method accepts string, , returns same string indexed characters in each word upper cased, , odd indexed characters in each word lower cased. indexing explained 0 based, zero-ith index even, therefore character should upper cased.

the passed in string consist of alphabetical characters , spaces(' '). spaces present if there multiple words. words separated single space(' ').

my code:

(someone please refactor or explain me cleaner/shorter solution)

def weirdcase(string)   arr = string.split(' ')! {|word|     char = word.chars     char.each_with_index |letter, i|       % 2 == 0 ? letter.upcase! : letter.downcase!     end   }! {|a| a.push(' ').join('')}   x = arr.join('').to_s   x[0...-1] end 

this 1 way that, using array#cycle create enumerator , string#gsub replace every character in string value upcased or downcased.

def weirdcase(str)   enum = [:upcase, :downcase].cycle   str.gsub(/./) |s|     if s == ' '       enum.rewind       s     else       s.public_send(     end   end end  weirdcase "mary had little lamb"   #=> "mary had little lamb" 

by making gsub's argument /./ each character in string replaced value returned block, which, if character not space, character either upcased or downcased, depending on symbol generated enumerator enum, alternates between :upcase , :downcase each word.

note that

enum = [:upcase, :downcase].cycle   #=> #<enumerator: [:upcase, :downcase]:cycle>   #=> :upcase   #=> :downcase   #=> :upcase 

and on. see enumerator#next.

enumerator#rewind needed begin anew alternating of case each word.

one replace s.public_send( with == :upcase ? s.upcase : s.downcase 


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