ibm mq - amqsbcgc not getting messages from MQ Client -

i managed send message mq client mq server. in mq client amqsputc [queue_local] [name_qmgr] , after typing message return "sample amqsput0 end" means sent properly. when try see message in mq server amqsbcg [queue_local] [name_qmgr] throws me error message:

"sample amqsget0 start mqconnx ended reason code 2058", error appears when queue manager doesn't exists or when name misspelled, not case.

when verify local queue shows curdepth(1), means there 1 message on queue(it delivered). don't know why doesnt allow me message. in queue manager error file shows like: "the channel amq.... connection ended". checked channel configured test:

amq8414: display channel details. channel(a03zciwas)                      chltype(svrconn) altdate(2017-09-07)                     alttime(00.35.17) certlabl( )                             comphdr(none) compmsg(none)                         descr(server-connection ...) discint(0)                              hbint(300) kaint(auto)                             maxinst(100) maxinstc(90)                            maxmsgl(4194304) mcauser(nobody)                         monchl(qmgr) rcvdata( )                              rcvexit( ) scydata( )                              scyexit( ) senddata( )                             sendexit( ) sharecnv(10)                            sslcauth(required) sslciph( )                              sslpeer( ) trptype(tcp)                          amq8414: display channel details. channel(a03zciwas)                      chltype(clntconn) affinity(preferred)                     altdate(2017-09-07) alttime(02.40.42)                       certlabl( ) clntwght(0)                             comphdr(none) compmsg(none)                           conname(xx.xx.xx.xx) defrecon(no)                          descr(client connection ....) hbint(300)                              kaint(auto) locladdr( )                             maxmsgl(4194304) modename( )                             password( ) qmname(aedmq03a)                        rcvdata( ) rcvexit( )                              scydata( ) scyexit( )                              senddata( ) sendexit( )                             sharecnv(10) sslciph( )                              sslpeer( ) tpname( )                               trptype(tcp) userid( )                             

the conname(xx.xx.xx.xx) right ip adress mqserver , variable mqserver set mqserver=[channel_svrconn]/tcp/'ip_adress_mqserver(1414)', port fine, don't know missing

the output provide indicates executing amqsget not amqsbcgc.

i note question mentions amqsbcg not amqsbcgc. c @ end of sample name indicates client version of program.

amqsbcg = server binding version amqsbcgc = client version 

if execute either amqsget or amqsbcg , specify queue manager not local on same server receive 2058.

solution use amqsgetc or amqsbcgc instead of amqsget or amqsbcg


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