Phonegap build default icon vs Cordova cli build default icon -

i want write config.xml such can used both phonegap build , phonegap cli.

for default icon,

phonegap build requires icon placed under app/www/icon.png, , config.xml declared as

<icon src="icon.png" /> 

but in phonegap cli, seems unable recognize path above. , throw error while building.

i have tried

<icon src="www/icon.png" /> 

but not work in phonegap build. app icon displayed on webpage, app downloaded not have icon.

does know best way resolve issue?

<!-- cordova build icon definitions --> <icon src="www/icon.png" />  <!-- phonegap build icon definitions --> <icon src="icon.png" gap:platform="ios" /> <icon src="icon.png" gap:platform="android" /> 

resolved issue above confix.xml


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