php - Push (or stream) from server to client -

i need to:
1. login web server web client , submit command start script (no problem, did php)
2. script need initiate telnet connection telnet server , send command (no problem, did php)
3. telnet server send data.
4. script receive data comes, process , send result client

for whatever it's worth i'll mention telnet server asterisk telephony server , telnet session ami session send commands, receive responses , receive server-originated events.
problem starts @ stage 3 above. can receive , process first batch of events, render html page , send web client. how can send processed events 2nd batch onward without client actively refreshing screen? in nutshell i'm looking way implement sort of http(s)-based terminal/monitor web server able update/push/stream data originator web client.
mention returned data either text or rendered html.
hope managed explain need...
many looking this.


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