c - Incorrect code to check if a word can be made of smaller given words (word break) -

incorrect code check if word can made of smaller given words (word break).this code wrote above mentioned problem, online judge declares incorrect, possible reasons? , how should modify code?

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>  /* node structure */ typedef struct node {     int letter[26];     struct node* next[26];     int is_word; } node;   /* create node   */ node* getnode(void) {     node* p = malloc(sizeof(node));     int i;     (i = 0; < 1004; i++) {         p->letter[i] = 0;         p->next[i] = null;     }     p->is_word = 0;      return p; }  /* make dictionary  */ void fill_dictionary(char word[], node* start) {     int len = strlen(word), i;     node* temp = start;      (i = 0; < len; i++) {         if (temp->letter[word[i] % 'a'] == 0) {             temp->letter[word[i] % 'a'] = 1;             temp->next[word[i] % 'a'] = getnode();             temp = temp->next[word[i] % 'a'];         } else {             temp = temp->next[word[i] % 'a'];         }     }      temp->is_word = 1;     return; }  int spell_check(char line[100003], node* start) {     int len = strlen(line), i, flag = 0;     node* temp = start;      (i = 0; < len; i++) {         if (temp->letter[line[i] % 'a'] == 0) {             return 1;         } else {             temp = temp->next[line[i] % 'a'];             flag = 0;              if (temp->is_word == 1) {                 flag = 1;                 temp = start;             }         }     }      if (flag == 1) {         return 0;     } else {         return 1;     } }  int main(void) {     int n, i, ans, m;     scanf("%d %d", &n,&m);  // no. of words in dictionary     node* start = getnode();      (i = 0; < n; i++) {         char word[11];      // max length of dictionary word         scanf("%s", word);         fill_dictionary(word, start);     }      scanf("%d", &n);        // no. of lines checked      (i = 0; < n; i++) {         char line[100003];  // max length of line         scanf("%s", line);         ans = spell_check(line, start);          if (ans == 0) {             printf("yes\n");         } else {             printf("no\n");         }     }      return 0; } 

here's 1 way to it. compiles , runs. displays parsed result. tries read dictionary file called "dictionary.text" in current directory. can change put dictionary wherever want. commented heavily understand has subtle c things may need think , figure out. 1 bit of advice: name everything in program extremely accurately is/does possible (but reasonably succinct). immensely when trying debug or figure out did wrong. careless names make code confusing , hard debug.

good luck!


$ gcc -o wordsplitter wordsplitter.c

$ wordsplitter xyzhellogoodbyefoodogcatpigcarwhereareyouhorse

xyz "hello" "goodbye" foo "dog" "cat" pigcar "where" "are" "you" horse

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>  #define dictionary_filepath  "dictionary.txt" #define max_word_size  100 /*  * error codes (usually put in header file , included)  */ #define success         0 #define file_not_found -1 #define out_of_memory  -2  typedef struct word {     struct word *next;     char *word; } word_t;  word_t *dictionarylisthead = null;  typedef struct wordsubcomponent {     struct wordsubcomponent *next;     char *text;     int isdictionaryword; } wordsubcomponent_t;  int loaddictionaryfromfile(char *filename, word_t **listhead) {     char wordfromfile[max_word_size];     word_t *lastwordstored = null;      file *dictionaryfile = fopen(filename, "r");      if (dictionaryfile == null) {         return file_not_found;     }         while(fgets(wordfromfile, sizeof(wordfromfile), dictionaryfile)) {         word_t *newdictionarywordnode;         if ((newdictionarywordnode = calloc(sizeof(word_t), 1)) == null) { // calloc automatically zeroes memory             return out_of_memory;         }         char *cp = strchr(wordfromfile, '\n');         if (cp != null)             *cp = '\0'; // rid of trailing \n          newdictionarywordnode->word = strdup(wordfromfile);              if (*listhead == null) {             lastwordstored = *listhead = newdictionarywordnode;         } else {             lastwordstored = lastwordstored->next = newdictionarywordnode;         }     }     fclose(dictionaryfile);     return success; }  wordsubcomponent_t  *newsubcomponent() {     wordsubcomponent_t *subcomp = null;     if ((subcomp = calloc(sizeof(wordsubcomponent_t), 1)) != null) {          subcomp->text = strdup("");  // seed empty string (instead of null) can append     } else {         fprintf(stderr, "out of memory (fatal). program exiting\n");         exit(-1);     }     return subcomp; }  /*  * returns linked list of word subcomponents given word, split around dictionary words  */ wordsubcomponent_t *getwordsubcomponents(char *wordtoparse, word_t *listhead) {     wordsubcomponent_t *subcomponents, *currsubcomp;     subcomponents = currsubcomp = newsubcomponent();     (char *cp = wordtoparse; cp < wordtoparse + strlen(wordtoparse);) { // exit when cp gets end of word parse.         int matchflag = 0;         (word_t *wordnode = listhead; wordnode != null; wordnode = wordnode->next) {             if (strncasecmp(cp, wordnode->word, strlen(wordnode->word)) == 0) { // prefix of cur. ptr dict word.                 if (strlen(currsubcomp->text) != 0) // detected non-dict text in subcomp.                     currsubcomp = currsubcomp->next = newsubcomponent(); // leave in list & add new subcomp dict word.                 currsubcomp->text = wordnode->word; // save dict-word in subcomp                 currsubcomp->isdictionaryword = 1;                 currsubcomp = currsubcomp->next = newsubcomponent(); // dict-word in list, new subcomp                 cp += strlen(wordnode->word); // advance cp past extracted dict-word                 matchflag = 1;                 break; // break out of inner-loop             }         }         if (!matchflag)  { // no dict-word found @ cp                   char onenullterminatedletter[2] = { *cp++, '\0' }; // put 1st ltr null-terminated string & adv cp.                      strcat(currsubcomp->text, onenullterminatedletter); // append letter-as-string curr subcomp         }     }     return subcomponents; }  void dumpdictionary(word_t *listhead) {     printf("\nlist of dictionary words:\n");     printf("----------------\n");     (word_t *wordnode = listhead; wordnode != null; wordnode = wordnode->next) {         printf("   %s\n", wordnode->word);     }     printf("----------------\n\n"); }  int  main(int argc, char **argv)  {     int status;     if ((status = loaddictionaryfromfile(dictionary_filepath, &dictionarylisthead)) < 0) {         switch(status) {         case file_not_found:             fprintf(stderr, "error accessing dictionary: %s\n", argv[0]);             break;         case out_of_memory:             fprintf(stderr, "out of memory");             break;         }         return exit_failure;     }      /*      * load dictionary first can show them list of words if didn't      * pass in command line argument word parse.      */         if (argc < 2) {         fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <word_to_parse>\n\n", argv[0]);         dumpdictionary(dictionarylisthead);         return exit_failure;     }      wordsubcomponent_t *subcomp = getwordsubcomponents(argv[1], dictionarylisthead);     while(subcomp != null && strlen(subcomp->text) > 0) {         if (subcomp->isdictionaryword)              printf("\"%s\" ", subcomp->text);         else             printf("%s ", subcomp->text);         subcomp = subcomp->next;     }     printf("\n");     return exit_success; } 


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