javascript - counting unexpectedly increased by 2 in 2nd attempt, while i coded it to just increment by 1? -

i wrote jquery code generate words memory quiz. working fine except variable nq. in first attempt, code generates 3 words. after user has guessed correct word, goes on trial in generates 4 words.

however, in third trial unexpectedly generates 6 words instead of 5. unable find mistake. can help?

$(document).ready(function (){  // var arr used store temporary words generated in quiz  var arr=[];  // var t used ask question , match result using arr array  var t;  // var nq used set number of question in each attempt. variable not functioning right  var nq=2;  function arraysave(i,data){      arr[i]=data;  }  function arrayclear(){      arr=[];  }  function question(data){      t = data;  }  function nqplus(){      nq++;  }  function nqdef(){      nq=2;  }  alert("please leave if game , comment review if any");  $("#startgame").click(function(){  $("#firstpage").slideup(1000);  $("#secondpage").slidedown(1000);  });  $("#startgen").on('click',function(){  // stored words here in variable strings       var strings = ["apple","mango","peach","banana","orange","grapes","watermelon","tomato", "blackberry","blueberry", "chips", "bottle", "doubt", "class", "school", "country", "ocean", "foot", "hand", "hair", "mobile", "phone", "great", "sololearn", "love", "help", "sad", "bad", "good", "bottle", "neck", "laptop", "printer", "program", "relation", "ship", "true", "false", "query", "hate", "game", "guess", "name", "future", "present", "past", "city", "alone", "party"]; var count=-1; $("#startgen").hide();  //this function generate word every second in quiz var = setinterval(function (){ count++; var output = strings[math.floor(math.random() * strings.length)];     arraysave(count,output);     $("#words").text((count+1)+"="+output);     if(count==nq){clearinterval(i);         settimeout(function(){ $("#words").text("now click next");$("#next").show()}, 1000);      } },1000);  });  $("#nextfinal").on('click',function(){      $("#secondpage").slideup(1000);      $("#thirdpage").slidedown(1000);   //setting here variable t ask question e.g. word came @ place 3       var t = math.floor(math.random() * (nq+2));       if(t<1){           t=1;       }       if(t>(nq+1)){           t=(nq+1);       }       question(t);       $("#question").text("which word came @ place "+t);       });  //below function works when user submit answer after filling text box       $("#submit").on('click',function(){           var temp= $("#wordbox").val();           if(temp==arr[(t-1)]){               $("#thirdpage").slideup(1000);               $("#res").slidedown(1000);               $(".result").text("you win");               $("#nextlevel").on('click',function(){                  nqplus();                  arrayclear();                  $("#res").slideup(1000);                  $("#secondpage").slidedown(1000);                  $("#words").text("focus here");                  $("#next").hide();                  $("#startgen").show();               });           }           else{               $("#win").show();                $(".result").text("you loose");           }       }); }); 

its line:


you applying click event every time click submit button. need put block outside of submit block, since don't want keep reapplying click event.


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