ios - BUG - TableView with strange size and not showing scroll indicators -

i not remember first time saw bug. if started ios 9 framework or not.

the problem when have uitableview first child of uiviewcontroller in storyboard tableview apparently have bigger content size , not show scroll indicators. when put transparent uiview first child, problem disappear.

the same issue occurs uitableviewcontrollers. , there no trick because de tableview main view of viewcontroller.

anyone got bug or know how fix it?

i trying resolve problem in order prevent future problems because storyboard in "macgyver mode".

looks frame of table view bigger screen size. that's why no scrolling indicators appear. when add transparent view superview of table view, you're somehow influencing resizing of table view. try inspecting frame of table view , play around layout constraints.

update: i've taken po's code , found out (on iphone 6 simulator) table view has frame = (0 0; 375 667) , contentsize: {600, 0}. answer why no scrolling indicators appear. content size "wrong" because no data source has been specified. , then, when specified data source , returned 28 row count on section 0, got exception. exception said: "failed obtain cell datasource". because uitableviewcell *cell = [super tableview:tableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath]; returned nil (that expected btw). right way of instantiating table view cells this:

 - (__kindofuitableviewcell * _nullable)dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:(nsstring * _nonnull)identifier 

... it's different story. hope helps.


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