php - setting iframe ID via fancybox2 to allow webdriver switchTo()->frame(id) -

i'm using fancybox2 create iframes can't see way of setting id of iframe gets created, preventing me using php-webdriver , selenium test contents of iframe.

simplified version of code:

<a href="iframe.html" class="various fancybox.iframe">iframe</a>  <script> $(document).ready(function() {     $(".various").fancybox() }); </script> 

which works, using chrome's inspector, iframe (this time) generated id of fancybox-frame1443817733402, appears random. means when try use php-webdriver switch frame (having clicked link create iframe), can't predict frame's id pass in:

$frame_id = 'fancybox-frame1443817733402'; // can't predict in advance $driver->switchto()->frame($frame_id); 

the iframe generated class of fancybox-iframe calls

$iframe = $driver->findelement(webdriverby::class("fancybox-iframe")) 

return nothing.

i've tried using fancybox2's afterload callback try explicitly setting iframe's id before trying switch frame id, fails (i think because current object, not element?)

$(".various").fancybox({     afterload: function(current, previous) {         //console.log(current);         current.attr('id', 'rob');     }}); 

is there way of explicitly setting iframe's id can switch via selenium/webdriver? or there simpler way of doing this?

i don't know setting frame id here, can switch frame via xpath (such //frame):

    protected webelement gotoiframebyxpath(final string iframexpath) {         if (driver.findelements(by.xpath(iframexpath)).size() > 0) {  // find elements exception isn't thrown if not found             webelement contentframe = driver.findelement(by.xpath(iframexpath));             driver.switchto().frame(contentframe);             return contentframe;         } else {             system.out.println("unable find " + iframexpath);         }         return null;     } 


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