Need only numbers and not Name resolution with Source Port in Wireshark -

using wireshark display packet information, name resolved source , destination port ->

1   0.000000  tcp 62  ms-wbt-server   48983 

where last 2 values-> ms-wbt-server , 48983 source port , destination ports. instead want see port number , not name resolution.

does know if setting possible in wireshark?

there 2 ways of doing that.

the first turn off transport-layer name resolution. that's view -> name resolution -> enable transport layer in gtk+ version , view -> name resolution -> resolve transport layer in qt version; if it's checked, select it, disable (and un-check) it. prevent port numbers being resolved names everywhere in wireshark.

the second use "src port (unresolved)" , "dst port (unresolved)" rather "source port" , "destination port" port number column. affect column display, you're showing in example above.


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