react native run android in emulator throws erro -

i install react native , open new project. try run

react-native run-android 

and error

    ps e:\projects\react native\myapp> react-native run-android scanning 574 folders symlinks in e:\projects\react native\myapp\node_modules (27ms) js server running. building , installing app on device (cd android && gradlew.bat installdebug)...  failure: build failed exception.  * where: build file 'e:\⌠°σΘΘ≈ΦΘφ\⌠°σΘΘ≈ΦΘφ ≈Θ⌡\react native\myapp\android\app\build.gradle' line: 1  * went wrong: problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. > failed apply plugin [id '']    > project path contains non-ascii characters. cause build fail on windows. please move project different directory. see details. warning can disabled adding line 'android.overridepathcheck=true' file in project directory.  * try: run --stacktrace option stack trace. run --info or --debug option more log output.  build failed  total time: 2.877 secs not install app on device, read error above details. make sure have android emulator running or device connected , have set android development environment: 

as can see error need move project different directory no non-ascii characters.

your project path contains non-ascii characters. cause build fail on windows. please move project different directory. see details


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