android - Sorting a JSONArray in java -

i'm working on api i'm getting jsonarray in there reside numerous jsonobjects containing around 10 keyvalue pairs. 1 of them date: 10-3-2015. want use jsonarray in sorted manner according date value. i've tried various ways including treemap no success yet.

a short piece of code or thorough idea work me. thanks.


enter image description here

you can sorting if use model hold element in jsonarray.let's have have model person , json array contains list of persons can traverse jsonarray , make list of persons follows:

list<person> persons=new arraylist<>(); if(jsonarray!=null){     for(jsonobject person:jsonarray){        person p=new person();        //set properties        //.............        //add persons        persons.add(p);      } } 

now can sort list of persons follows:

collections.sort(persons, new comparator() {         public int compare(object obj1, object obj2) {             if (!(obj1 instanceof person) || !(obj2 instanceof person)) {                 return -1;             }             person p1 = (person)obj1;             person p2 = (person)obj2;             return p1.getage() -p2.getage();         }     }); 

now can use sorted list "persons".


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